This months message: Tis the season to be Zenful!
So, the contents were beauty products galore, for a holiday party or just needing personal downtime, it has what you need to get through the stressful holidays.
Spa Technologies Hydrating Laminaria Oil:
Scented with Ylang Ylang and Bitter Orange essential oils, Laminaria is seaweed oil. I first tried out the oil on my 4 year old daughter. She has eczema, and it is bothering her terribly right now with the dry, cold weather. She is so itchy and begged me to put her medicine on her, but this product says on the label "intense treatment for dry and sensitive skin...gentle and effective for skin rashes, psoriasis and eczema. After her bath tonight, I rubbed her down with it, put on her jammies and sent her to bed. I am anxious to see if it helped calm her skin a little in the next couple days of use. This product can also be used as an after sun moisturizer.
I love these! The cute little vials are filled with organic ingredients. The one vital oil that is in each is amber oil. Activated by body heat, they are long lasting and completely individual, reacting with your own body chemistry. The sampler pack contained one of each of their scents and the descriptions from their website follows:
Ambre: clean, euphoric, sensual
Unmasque: 13 oils, to ground you and allure others
Solace: vanilla, for comfort and attraction
Invoke: jasmine, sandalwood and rose, a kiss of spring
SpaRitual Nail Polish:
The hot little numbers arrived in a bright red hue "Hunk Of Burnin' Love" and a multi-tasking base and topcoat in one. DBP, Formaldehyde and Toluene Free and a high gloss UV protectant. Great for the holidays!
Tara Spa Therapy Stress Relieving Bath Salts:
Red Flower Candles:
We got to enjoy another treat from red flower this month, and this time we got a candle! I am quickly falling in love with this brands products. The candle was Ocean, and a lovely aqua color. The candle is really little, but there is something delightful in the little glass jar it comes in, I can imagine using it for other things somehow, like shots or extravagant, rich, chocolate desserts.
Sibu Beauty Sea Buckthorn Cleansing Bar:
Sea Buckthorn is touted as a "superfruit" used for centuries by Tibetans. Full of antioxidants and essential fatty acids, it is designed to get rid of pollutants and to renew and revitalize your skin. These bar soaps seem to be making a comeback, and I personally love that. They are so much better for your skin, so much better than the perfume filled store bought shower gels any day.
Out of everything in the box, this was the only thing that I truly didn't get excited about. They aren't terrible, but for me the mix of chocolate, lime and sea salt doesn't taste good to me. But, others may love them, it is entirely a personal thing. They are, however, wonderful for a healthier lifestyle, containing no dairy, wheat, refined sugar or caffeine. Like I said, they weren't awful, but they aren't something I would buy...maybe a different flavor.
Yuzen, you did it again, and I enjoyed, and am still enjoying the December box!
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