Saturday, March 2, 2013

Deleting the naughty...with So What Saturday

Ok, I am behind with my posts and reviews, way more behind than I have ever I am going to start "So What Saturday" where I am going to allow myself to have an excuse for not spending some time writing. 
Here are this week's excuses:

- I lost my SD card for my camera. For real. My 32 GB holds everything since Christmas.  All my photos and videos from the holidays, the new town, the kids....gone. I cannot find it anywhere. And I don't think I left the house with my laptop but one time for Peanut's dance class, and it was not there.  So, no card to take my pictures until yesterday. I'll get right on that....

-I have a showing today at 4:45 for the house.  Must make it presentable and have now been cleaning for 2 days, only to have a knockdown blowout argument with Monkey about either cleaning his room or I am packing all his stuff until we move.  He finally cleaned his room, and I have to say he did a great job. If only the rest of the house was easy for him to clean.  Hmmmmmm......

-My husband is coming home for the week today!!!!! So, I don't care about my blog right at this moment.  I just need to get through the afternoon of cleaning and by the time we leave the house for the showing he will be home. We have so much to do, what with taxes, signing stuff for the new house we are building and dealing with end of year details, that it will probably fly by.  But I don't care, at least he is here.  Did I forget to mention he is going to be here for a whole week?

Later people...I have shit to do.

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